Hello! My name is Sarah (she/her), and i am the mind and hands and heart behind pebble studio. I’m a multi-disciplinary artist and a restless thinker. My work concerns adornment as praxis and takes seriously social media as curatorial storytelling. This is particularly important in a time when many of us use social media as our main networks and information sources. I am from St. Louis Missouri and i am currently living in Kathmandu, Nepal studying metal smiths and knowledge sharing.

Pebble is my brand exploring decoration of the body and space. All throughout my childhood, I remember making necklaces from my mom’s old jewelry, cutting up and sewing shirts, tye dying sheets, taking throwing classes, and having photo-shoots in my bedroom with a tripod (yikes). Pebble is a natural extension of that child-like play. I have expanded this space to also include my scholarship in efforts to cross borders into multimodal ethnographies using onto-epistemological theory and praxis.

I received my bachelors in 2018 in anthropology: global health and environment and a minor in fine art from Washington university in St. Louis. Since then, I have worked as an Americorps vista, a research coordinator, and an art teacher at various local non-profits for both adults and children. Currently i am studying under a Fulbright scholarship in Nepal.

As an adult, I know that the realities of this world (including fashion, art, and scholarship) are racist, ableist, inaccessible and exploitative of the earth & women & children. Art, politics, and justice are interconnected. True beauty is found in justice, true charm is found in reciprocity, true aesthetic is found in respect and compassion. The sustainability and ethical implications of adorning ourselves and our world are exciting, accessible, and aesthetic. It is also worth saying here that pebble is a space that is welcoming to all genders, all races, all religions, and all sexualities.

Thank you so much for coming along with me on this ride. I have a deep and ever growing gratitude for allowing me to share and explore. and of course, i have a deep gratitude for you all being here with me.

-Sarah B